Disillusioned Thinking 

*Same experience, with additional thoughts.  A great story, according to me, is the kind of story, which should destroy the readers mind by the end of the story. A novel whose cover displays a small boy with his hands in his pockets, walking away unhappily, is a novel, which will be about the disappointments and... Continue Reading →


My eyebrows rose the first time I heard the movie's title "unIndian." This Australian romantic comedy film was directed by Anupam Sharma in 2015, starring Tannishtha Chattherjee and Brett Lee. The film is about a lady Meera, who is beautiful, dark and divorced; the Indian aunties would hit their forehead hearing the "divorce" word, just... Continue Reading →


Smile like you know all their secrets It burns them,  Smile like you have found all the treasure It makes them jealous,  Smile like you have stolen all the hearts  It makes them helpless, Smile like you know it all If makes them doubt themselves, But before this stop and see  If it makes you... Continue Reading →

Bad Week

This week has been so pathetic for me that nothing else feels right anymore. Even now, when I am writing I delete my sentences some twenty times, just because I fear that something bad will come out of my writing. I have never looked forward to a weekend so much, as I did this time.... Continue Reading →

Bonding with sister

Earlier me and my sister used to talk about Doremon , eating chocolates and about homework at school. Today we talk about crushes, relationship and life! Till now I could feel the six and a half years of age gap between us, because there were things of my age which she couldn't understand and as... Continue Reading →

I, me and myself

I remember reading somewhere that you should choose those people in your life who love you, not whom you love. But how can we segregate in real life? We all are so self-centered, we want everything for ourselves, we see everything as we picture it to be. I really  liked somebody and expected him to... Continue Reading →

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